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Polls Show Democrats Want Candidates Prioritizing Climate Change

As the spring primary approaches, new polling suggests Democrats running for president should prioritize climate change and the environment.


Addressing Climate Change is Top Issue For Democratic Primary Voters in Colorado, Michigan, & Wisconsin

New polling conducted by Andrew Baumann of Global Strategy Group of Democratic primary voters in all three states which found that addressing climate change is a defining policy position in how voters will choose their presidential candidate – tied at the top of the list along with health care across the board. Read more »

League of Conservation Voters

People in Wisconsin talked to us about the 2020 election. Here's what we learned.

Climate change is a hot topic. Wisconsinites love the outdoors, so it’s no surprise that climate change came up frequently in our discussions. Rampant flooding in communities like Green Bay this year left people concerned about how leaders will address shifting weather patterns. Some readers question whether climate change is a real phenomenon (scientists say … Continue reading "https://www.greenbaypressgazette.com/story/news/2019/12/03/2020-wisconsin-elections-green-bay-appleton-and-wausau-readers-speak/4319619002/"

Press Gazette Media

Sanders in Wisconsin

I definitely view Bernie Sanders as the candidate best situated to not only defeat Donald Trump but to advance policies that stem the tide of skyrocketing inequality, to finally address the existential crisis that is climate change,” Rickman said.


Sanders in Wisconsin

Sanders ran down a list of the progressive initiatives that helped make him a credible threat to the nomination of Hillary Clinton — raising the minimum wage, universal health care, ending the war on drugs, a massive spending spree to repair the nation’s infrastructure and a full-on effort to deal with climate change — positions … Continue reading "https://madison.com/ct/news/local/govt-and-politics/bernie-sanders-kicks-off-presidential-run-in-downtown-madison/article_f98ebda7-7902-57db-abf1-189941aa649f.html"
