We are facing a conservation crisis – it's time to fully fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund


By Gene Karpinski, LCV President

While a number of strategies should be undertaken to address the decline of natural systems—including reducing pollution and taking other steps to fight climate change—one of the most effective ways is simply to preserve more land and water in their natural state. That is why a growing number of scientists are recommending that countries around the world commit to preserving 30 percent of their lands and oceans by 2030, a goal we urge U.S. policymakers to take up in our country. Indeed, a number of presidential candidates–including former Vice President Biden; Sens. Michael Bennet (D-Colo.), Cory Booker (D-N.J.),and Kamala Harris (D-Calif.); and former HUD Secretary Julian Castro — have already made this commitment.

Source: TheHill